Twenty offers integrations with Gmail and Google Calendar.
You will need to create a project in Google Cloud and get the credentials.
Then you can set the following environment variables:
if you want to use Google SSOAUTH_GOOGLE_APIS_CALLBACK_URL=https://<your-domain>/auth/google-apis/get-access-token
On Google Cloud Console, go to APIs & Services and enable the following APIs:
Under Credentials, in OAuth 2.0 Client IDs, you need to add the following redirect URIs to your project:
if you want to use Google SSOhttps://<your-domain>/auth/google-apis/get-access-token
If your app is in test mode, you will need to add test users to your project.
Under OAuth consent screen, add your test users to the "Test users" section.
Register the following recurring jobs:
# from your worker container
yarn command:prod cron:messaging:messages-import
yarn command:prod cron:messaging:message-list-fetch
yarn command:prod cron:calendar:calendar-event-list-fetch
yarn command:prod cron:calendar:calendar-events-import
yarn command:prod cron:messaging:ongoing-stale
yarn command:prod cron:calendar:ongoing-stale
Users must have a Microsoft 365 Licence to be able to use the Calendar and Messaging API. They will not be able to sync their account on Twenty without one.
You will need to create a project in Microsoft Azure and get the credentials.
Then you can set the following environment variables:
if you want to use Microsoft SSOAUTH_MICROSOFT_APIS_CALLBACK_URL=https://<your-domain>/auth/microsoft-apis/get-access-token
On Microsoft Azure Console enable the following APIs in "Permissions":
You need to add the following redirect URIs to your project:
if you want to use Microsoft SSOhttps://<your-domain>/auth/microsoft-apis/get-access-token
If your app is in test mode, you will need to add test users to your project.
Add your test users to the "Users and groups" section.
Register the following recurring jobs:
# from your worker container
yarn command:prod cron:messaging:messages-import
yarn command:prod cron:messaging:message-list-fetch
yarn command:prod cron:calendar:calendar-event-list-fetch
yarn command:prod cron:calendar:calendar-events-import
yarn command:prod cron:messaging:ongoing-stale
yarn command:prod cron:calendar:ongoing-stale
Variable | Example | Description |
REACT_APP_SERVER_BASE_URL | http://localhost:3000 | Url of backend server |
GENERATE_SOURCEMAP | false | Generate source maps for debugging |
CHROMATIC_PROJECT_TOKEN | Chromatic token used for CI |
Variable | Example | Description |
PG_DATABASE_URL | postgres://user:pw@localhost:5432/default?connection_limit=1 | Database connection |
PG_SSL_ALLOW_SELF_SIGNED | false | Allow self signed certificates |
REDIS_URL | redis://localhost:6379 | Redis connection url |
FRONT_DOMAIN | localhost | Domain of the hosted frontend |
DEFAULT_SUBDOMAIN | app | The default subdomain name when multiworkspace mode is enabled |
SERVER_URL | http://localhost:3000 | Url to the hosted server |
FRONTEND_URL | $SERVER_URL | Url to the frontend server. Same as SERVER_URL by default |
PORT | 3000 | Port of the backend server |
CACHE_STORAGE_TTL | 3600 * 24 * 7 | Cache TTL in seconds |
Variable | Example | Description |
API_RATE_LIMITING_TTL | 100 | API rate limiting time window |
API_RATE_LIMITING_LIMIT | 200 | API rate limiting max requests |
Variable | Example | Description |
APP_SECRET | <random> | Secret used for encryption across the app |
ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN | 30m | Access token expiration time |
LOGIN_TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN | 15m | Login token expiration time |
REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN | 90d | Refresh token expiration time |
REFRESH_TOKEN_COOL_DOWN | 1m | Refresh token cooldown |
FILE_TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN | 1d | File token expiration time |
Variable | Example | Description |
MESSAGING_PROVIDER_GMAIL_ENABLED | false | Enable Gmail API connection |
CALENDAR_PROVIDER_GOOGLE_ENABLED | false | Enable Google Calendar API connection |
AUTH_GOOGLE_APIS_CALLBACK_URL | https://[YourDomain]/auth/google-apis/get-access-token | Google APIs auth callback |
AUTH_PASSWORD_ENABLED | false | Enable Email/Password login |
AUTH_GOOGLE_ENABLED | false | Enable Google SSO login |
AUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID | | Google client ID |
AUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET | Google client secret | |
AUTH_GOOGLE_CALLBACK_URL | https://[YourDomain]/auth/google/redirect | Google auth callback |
AUTH_MICROSOFT_ENABLED | false | Enable Microsoft SSO login |
AUTH_MICROSOFT_CLIENT_ID | Microsoft client ID | |
AUTH_MICROSOFT_CLIENT_SECRET | Microsoft client secret | |
AUTH_MICROSOFT_CALLBACK_URL | https://[YourDomain]/auth/microsoft/redirect | Microsoft auth callback |
AUTH_MICROSOFT_APIS_CALLBACK_URL | http://[YourDomain]/auth/microsoft-apis/get-access-token | Microsoft APIs auth callback |
IS_MULTIWORKSPACE_ENABLED | false | Allows the use of multiple workspaces. Requires a web server that can manage wildcards for subdomains. |
PASSWORD_RESET_TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN | 5m | Password reset token expiration time |
Variable | Example | Description |
IS_EMAIL_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED | false | If enabled, users must verify their email address before signing in. When true, users will receive a verification email after registration |
EMAIL_VERIFICATION_TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN | 1h | How long email verification tokens remain valid before requiring a new verification email |
EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS | [email protected] | Global email From: header used to send emails |
EMAIL_FROM_NAME | John from YourDomain | Global name From: header used to send emails |
EMAIL_SYSTEM_ADDRESS | [email protected] | Email address used as a destination to send internal system notification |
EMAIL_DRIVER | logger | Email driver: 'logger' (to log emails in console) or 'smtp' |
You will need to provision an App Password.
Variable | Example | Description |
STORAGE_TYPE | local | Storage driver: 'local' or 's3' |
STORAGE_S3_REGION | Storage Region | |
STORAGE_S3_NAME | Bucket Name | |
STORAGE_S3_ENDPOINT | Use if a different Endpoint is needed (for example Google) | |
STORAGE_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID | Optional depending on the authentication method | |
STORAGE_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | Optional depending on the authentication method | |
STORAGE_LOCAL_PATH | .local-storage | Data path (local storage) |
Variable | Example | Description |
SERVERLESS_TYPE | local | Serverless driver type: 'local' or 'lambda' |
SERVERLESS_LAMBDA_SUBHOSTING_ROLE | Role to assume when hosting lambdas in dedicated AWS account | |
SERVERLESS_LAMBDA_ACCESS_KEY_ID | Optional depending on the authentication method | |
SERVERLESS_LAMBDA_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | Optional depending on the authentication method |
Variable | Example | Description |
LOGGER_DRIVER | console | Currently, only supports 'console' |
LOGGER_IS_BUFFER_ENABLED | true | Buffer the logs before sending them to the logging driver |
LOG_LEVELS | error,warn | The loglevels which are logged to the logging driver. Can include: 'log', 'warn', 'error' |
EXCEPTION_HANDLER_DRIVER | sentry | The exception handler driver can be: 'console' or 'sentry' |
SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT | main | The sentry environment used if sentry logging driver is selected |
SENTRY_RELEASE | latest | The sentry release used if sentry logging driver is selected |
SENTRY_DSN | https://[email protected]/xxx | The sentry logging endpoint used if sentry logging driver is selected |
SENTRY_FRONT_DSN | https://[email protected]/xxx | The sentry logging endpoint used by the frontend if sentry logging driver is selected |
Variable | Example | Description |
OPENAI_API_KEY | sk-proj-abcdabcd... | OpenAI API key |
LLM_CHAT_MODEL_DRIVER | openai | LLM provider |
LLM_TRACING_DRIVER | langfuse | Where to output LangChain logs. 'langfuse' or 'console'. |
LANGFUSE_SECRET_KEY | sk-lf-abcdabcd-abcd... | Langfuse secret key |
LANGFUSE_PUBLIC_KEY | pk-lf-abcdabcd-abcd... | Langfuse public key |
This feature is WIP and is not yet useful for most users.
Variable | Example | Description |
SERVERLESS_TYPE | local | Functions can either be executed through Lambda or directly by the main node process |
SERVERLESS_LAMBDA_REGION | us-east-1 | If you use the Lambda driver, region of the Lambda function |
SERVERLESS_LAMBDA_ROLE | arn:aws:iam::121334:role/lambda-execution-role | If you use the Lambda driver, name of the IAM role with the right permissions |
SERVERLESS_LAMBDA_SUBHOSTING_ROLE | arn:aws:iam::121334:role/lambda-deployment-role | If you host lambdas in a dedicated AWS account, name of the IAM role to assume in the dedicated account |
Variable | Example | Description |
SUPPORT_DRIVER | front | Support driver ('front' or 'none') |
SUPPORT_FRONT_HMAC_KEY | <secret> | Support chat key |
SUPPORT_FRONT_CHAT_ID | <id> | Support chat id |
Variable | Example | Description |
TELEMETRY_ENABLED | true | Change this if you want to disable telemetry |
TELEMETRY_ANONYMIZATION_ENABLED | true | Telemetry is anonymized by default, you probably don't want to change this |
Variable | Example | Description |
SIGN_IN_PREFILLED | true | Prefill the Sign in form for usage in a demo or dev environment |
Variable | Example | Description |
WORKSPACE_INACTIVE_DAYS_BEFORE_NOTIFICATION | Number of inactive days before sending workspace deleting warning email | |
WORKSPACE_INACTIVE_DAYS_BEFORE_SOFT_DELETION | Number of inactive days before soft deleting workspace | |
WORKSPACE_INACTIVE_DAYS_BEFORE_DELETION | Number of inactive days before destroying workspace |
Variable | Example | Description |
CAPTCHA_DRIVER | The captcha driver can be 'google-recaptcha' or 'turnstile' | |
CAPTCHA_SITE_KEY | The captcha site key | |
CAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY | The captcha secret key |
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