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1-Click Docker Compose

1-Click Docker Compose

1-Click Docker Compose
In this article


This guide provides step-by-step instructions to install and configure the Twenty application using Docker Compose. The aim is to make the process straightforward and prevent common pitfalls that could break your setup.

Important: Only modify settings explicitly mentioned in this guide. Altering other configurations may lead to issues.

See docs Setup Environment Variables for advanced configuration.

System Requirements

  • RAM: Ensure your environment has at least 2GB of RAM. Insufficient memory can cause processes to crash.
  • Docker & Docker Compose: Make sure both are installed and up-to-date.

Option 1: One-line script

Install the latest stable version of Twenty with a single command:

bash <(curl -sL

To install a specific version or branch:

VERSION=x.y.z BRANCH=branch-name bash <(curl -sL
  • Replace x.y.z with the desired version number.
  • Replace branch-name with the name of the branch you want to install.

Option 2: Manual steps

Follow these steps for a manual setup.

Step 1: Set Up the Environment File

  1. Create the .env File

    Copy the example environment file to a new .env file in your working directory:

    curl -o .env
  2. Generate Secret Tokens

    Run the following command four times to generate four unique random strings:

    openssl rand -base64 32

    Important: Keep these tokens secure and do not share them.

  3. Update the .env

    Replace the placeholder values in your .env file with the generated tokens:


    Note: Only modify these lines unless instructed otherwise.

  4. Set the Postgres Password

    Update the POSTGRES_ADMIN_PASSWORD value in the .env file with a strong password.


Step 2: Obtain the Docker Compose File

Download the docker-compose.yml file to your working directory:

curl -O

Step 3: Launch the Application

Start the Docker containers:

docker-compose up -d

Step 4: Access the Application

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.


Expose Twenty to External Access

By default, Twenty runs on localhost at port 3000. To access it via an external domain or IP address, you need to configure the SERVER_URL in your .env file.

Understanding SERVER_URL

  • Protocol: Use http or https depending on your setup.
    • Use http if you haven't set up SSL.
    • Use https if you have SSL configured.
  • Domain/IP: This is the domain name or IP address where your application is accessible.
  • Port: Include the port number if you're not using the default ports (80 for http, 443 for https).

Configuring SERVER_URL

  1. Determine Your Access URL

    • Without Reverse Proxy (Direct Access):

      If you're accessing the application directly without a reverse proxy:

    • With Reverse Proxy (Standard Ports):

      If you're using a reverse proxy like Nginx or Traefik and have SSL configured:

    • With Reverse Proxy (Custom Ports):

      If you're using non-standard ports:

  2. Update the .env File

    Open your .env file and update the SERVER_URL:



    • Direct access without SSL:
    • Access via domain with SSL:
  3. Restart the Application

    For changes to take effect, restart the Docker containers:

        docker-compose down
        docker-compose up -d


  • Reverse Proxy Configuration:

    Ensure your reverse proxy forwards requests to the correct internal port (3000 by default). Configure SSL termination and any necessary headers.

  • Firewall Settings:

    Open necessary ports in your firewall to allow external access.

  • Consistency:

    The SERVER_URL must match how users access your application in their browsers.


Unable to Log In

If you can't log in after setup:

  1. Run the following commands:
    docker exec -it twenty-server-1 yarn
    docker exec -it twenty-server-1 npx nx database:reset
  2. Restart the Docker containers:
    docker-compose down
    docker-compose up -d

Connection Issues Behind a Reverse Proxy

If you're running Twenty behind a reverse proxy and experiencing connection issues:

  1. Verify SERVER_URL:

    Ensure SERVER_URL in your .env file matches your external access URL, including https if SSL is enabled.

  2. Check Reverse Proxy Settings:

    • Confirm that your reverse proxy is correctly forwarding requests to the Twenty server.
    • Ensure headers like X-Forwarded-For and X-Forwarded-Proto are properly set.
  3. Restart Services:

    After making changes, restart both the reverse proxy and Twenty containers.


  • Data Volumes:

    The Docker Compose configuration uses volumes to persist data for the database and server storage.

  • Stateless Environments:

    If deploying to a stateless environment (e.g., certain cloud services), configure external storage to persist data.

Getting Help

If you encounter issues not covered in this guide:

  • Check Logs:

    View container logs for error messages:

    docker-compose logs
  • Community Support:

    Reach out to the Twenty community or support channels for assistance.

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