

0.22.0Jul 16th

Enhanced Kanban Board

  • Edit Kanban Stages: You can now edit Kanban stages directly from the app, not just from the settings. This makes it easier to manage and customize your workflow on the fly.
  • "No Value" Column: Cards that are not assigned to a specific value will now appear in a "No Value" column. This column can be shown or hidden as needed, ensuring no cards are overlooked.

Revamped Navigation Bar

Navigate more quickly with our revamped record page navbar:

  • Navigate directly from one record page to another.
  • View the total number of records within a view.
  • Easily return to the corresponding index view with a new "Close" button.

Bulk Deletion

You can now delete up to 10,000 records at once. (For when you want to Marie Kondo your database! 🧹)

0.21.0Jul 8th

Enhanced One-to-Many Relations Editing

You can now edit one-to-many relations directly from the "many side". This means you can assign people to a company directly from the company list view, instead of having to navigate to each individual person's profile to assign them a company.

Advanced Email and Calendar Settings

We've introduced advanced settings for email and calendar management:

  • Auto-Create Contact Options: Choose when an email interaction should automatically create a contact. Options include:

    • People I've sent emails to and received emails from
    • People I've sent emails to
    • Don't auto create contact
  • Email Exclusions: Ability to exclude non-professional emails (e.g., Gmail, Outlook) and team emails (e.g., support@, team@) from being synced to the CRM.

  • Calendar Events: Auto-contact creation settings are now available for calendar events as well.

0.20.0Jun 13th

Enhanced Timeline

The timeline on every record page has been significantly improved. It now provides detailed updates for:

  • Record creations
  • Field updates
  • Received emails
  • Created calendar events

Improved Onboarding Experience

Our onboarding process has been streamlined to let you import your calendar and emails seamlessly. You can now also configure your privacy settings directly during onboarding, allowing you to choose between sharing content with your team or keeping it hidden.

Email and calendar Blocklist

To enhance privacy, you can now add specific email addresses to a blocklist within the "Accounts" settings. This feature prevents sensitive content from being synced to the CRM when corresponding with certain individuals. This can be particularly useful when managing sensitive deals.

0.12.0May 27th


Introduced a new design for notifications featuring lighter colors.

Skeleton Loading

Implemented skeleton loading to improve user experience by displaying placeholder content while data is being fetched.

Link field

Introduced a new Link Field type to add and manage one or several external URLs on any object. Available in custom objects starting today.

Data Model Diagram

Introduced a "Data Model Diagram" feature that allows users to visualize the relationships between different objects within the CRM.

0.11.0May 3rd

Google Calendar Integration

With Google Calendar integration, you can track all your team's events with a company or person in your CRM. Choose the information level visible to your teammates for better control.

Improved Performance

We have improved app performance, shaving off over 500ms on each page.

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